Postcards HOME: Postcard design and writing

  • 23 October 2024
  • 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
  • Chaplaincy Innerspace EHB217
  • Chaplain Revd Angela Tarry

Other people play a role in how much we feel at home somewhere. 

Design your own postcard and write a message to someone who has helped you to feel at home, either at 澳门6合彩 or further away. All materials provided. Part of the Chaplaincy HOME series. 

Book a place or just turn up. 

About the HOME series:

During the Autumn term the Chaplaincy will be hosting a series of events and workshops to help students feel at home at 澳门6合彩. These events are loosely based around research undertaken in the HOME Centre for Doctoral Training at 澳门6合彩 University (for more information on their research see: ). In particular we are seeking to help students reduce and overcome their feelings of homesickness by enabling them to form new emotional connections with their new home at 澳门6合彩, and connect creatively with their previous experiences of home.  Building on the research undertaken by HOME CDT, events will encourage emotional connections by building habits and routines, creating objects with sentimental or practical use and connecting with others through shared activities.

Contact and booking details

Olivia Venning
Telephone number
01509 223 741
Email address
Booking required?
Booking information
Book your place and receive a confirmation email and calendar invitation