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Do you have a desktop phone handset that is no longer in use?

Steps for Handset Removal:

If your computer is connected to the network via your handset:

  • Unplug the network cable from your computer or docking station.
  • Unplug the network cable from the handset port marked “Network”
    and plug this cable directly into your computer or docking station.

If your handset has a separate power adapter:

  • Unplug this from the mains and bundle it with the handset for

Steps for Removing Cables:

  • For detailed guidance on removing cables from desktop handsets, please visit: Handset Cable Removal Guide
  • If you require a longer network cable to reconnect your device to the wired network socket, please submit a request via IT.Services@lboro.ac.uk

Recycling Area:

Your designated collection area will be confirmed by your Department / School. IT Services has arrangements in place with Cisco for the recycling of handsets.

Please contact IT.Services@lboro.ac.uk with the number of handsets you have and their location, so our IT Assets team can arrange for collection.


Posted by
IT Services (extension 222333)
Posted on
Tuesday, 6 August 2024 at 11:23 GMT
Posted in

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